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managed IT services

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Managed IT Services

Top Managed IT Services: How Managed IT Services Will Improve Your Business

Rivell can provide your business with several benefits. First, managed IT services can help to improve your business’s overall IT infrastructure. Plus, by working with a managed IT service provider, you can ensure that your IT infrastructure is up-to-date and effective. Further, managed IT services can help to improve your business’s security. By working with a managed IT service provider, you can implement security measures that will help to protect your business from cyber-attacks. Likewise, managed IT services can help to improve your business’s productivity. By working with a managed IT service provider, you can free up your employees’ time so that they can focus on their work tasks. The advantages of managed IT services for your company include increased security, decreased downtime, and improved productivity. In addition, managed IT services can help you save money on IT costs and free up your staff to focus on more important tasks. Top Managed IT Services: How Can Managed IT Services Help Your Company? The world of business is transforming, and to stay ahead of the curve, many companies are turning to managed IT services. But what exactly are managed IT services, and how can they benefit your business? In this blog post, we’ll look at what managed IT services are, the different services that are available, and how they can help improve your business. By the end, you should have a good understanding of whether managed IT services are right for you. What is Meant by “Managed IT Services”? What are the Different Managed Services? Managed IT services are the practice of outsourcing the responsibility for maintaining and expecting the need for an organization’s technology infrastructure. This can include hardware, software, networks, data centers, and facilities. The term “managed” implies that a third-party service provider handles day-to-day operations and maintenance tasks on behalf of the customer. Managed IT services can help organizations keep up with the ever-changing landscape of technology and free up internal resources to focus on more strategic initiatives. In addition, managed IT services can provide organizations with peace of mind, knowing that their technology infrastructure is being monitored and maintained by a team of experts. Managed IT services can also help organizations save money in the long run. By managing an organization’s IT infrastructure, managed IT service providers can help identify and fix potential problems before they cause major disruptions. Equally important, managed IT services can help organizations keep their software and hardware up to date, which can improve performance and security. There are three primary types of managed services: IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) PaaS (Platform as a Service) Software as a Service (SaaS) IaaS — providers offer customers access to computing resources, including storage, servers, networking, and data center facilities. Organizations have access to a platform for developing and deploying applications. PaaS — is a cloud-computing model that delivers applications over the Internet. PaaS providers host the infrastructure and platforms that enable developers to build, test, deploy, and manage their applications. SaaS — providers deliver software applications over the internet, which can be accessed by users from any location using any device with an internet connection. The advantages of managed IT services include increased efficiency, reduced costs, improved security, and increased flexibility. When choosing a managed service provider, it is important to select one that offers a comprehensive suite of services that can be customized to meet your specific needs. Is AWS a Managed Service Provider? Yes, AWS is a managed service provider. It offers a variety of services, including storage, computing, and networking. Why do you Need Managed IT Services? There are a few reasons you might need to manage IT services. If you don’t have an in-house IT team, or if your IT team is overloaded, managed services can help take some of the workload off of them. Managed services can also help you keep your systems up-to-date and compliant with industry regulations. Lastly, managed services can provide you with expert advice and support when you need it. If you’re considering managed IT services, be sure to do your research and find a reputable provider. Once you’ve found a provider you can trust, you can sit back and relax, knowing that your IT needs are in expert hands. What is a Managed Services Model? A managed services model is a type of business model where a company outsources its IT services to another company. This allows the company to focus on its core business, while the other company manages its IT infrastructure. The managed services model can be a great option for companies that want to focus on their core business and don’t have the resources to manage their IT infrastructure. However, it’s important to choose a reputable and experienced company to manage your IT services. Otherwise, you may end up with more problems than you started with. There are a few things you should keep in mind when choosing a company to manage your IT services. First, you want to make sure the company has an excellent reputation. There are a lot of fly-by-night IT management companies out there, so you want to make sure you choose one that has an exemplary track record. Second, you want to make sure the company has experience managing the type of IT infrastructure you have. If you have a complex IT infrastructure, you don’t want to choose a company that only has experience managing simple networks. Finally, you want to make sure the company is responsive to your needs. Conclusion If you’re looking for ways to improve your business, managed IT services are a great option. By outsourcing your IT needs to a qualified provider, you can free up time and resources to focus on other areas of your business. Managed IT services can also help you save money in the long run by preventing costly downtime and providing expert support when you need it. Contact us today to learn more!

Managed IT Services
Managed IT Services

Top Managed IT Services: What are Managed Services in the Cloud?

If you own or manage a business, you’re likely to always seek new ways to run your business more efficiently. The more efficiently a business is run, the more profitable it can be. Managed services in the cloud have become increasingly popular among businesses for a number of reasons. Here is an overview of managed IT services in the cloud so you can determine if it’s right for you and your business. What is included in Managed IT Services? Managed IT services can include a number of different functions, depending on what a particular business is looking for. While some businesses opt for a few managed services in the cloud, other businesses desire to have 100% of their services managed in this manner. So, what exactly is included in managed IT services? Businesses can choose from: Payroll processing services, which can simplify billing Computing and data analytics Next-gen infrastructure Cyber security Business consulting Blockchain, and a great deal more Each company evaluates its own individual needs in order to determine which managed IT services that they want to obtain assistance with. An MSP can also make recommendations to a business and explain why certain managed IT services should be opted for and how they would benefit a particular business. While some small businesses might only opt for one or two services because that is all they really need, other businesses could possibly benefit from additional services, so they shouldn’t limit themselves because they feel the cost is too great. These businesses will often realize that they’re actually saving money in the long run, regardless of how many managed IT services they decide to sign up for. What is the Best IT Solution for a Small Business? With a massive number of possible IT solutions for small businesses available, there are some that are better than others. One that really stands out among the many others is Rivell.  Why Rivell? First of all, Rivell has been providing top-notch IT solutions for small businesses for more than 20 years, and this has enabled Rivell to gain an abundance of experience providing this very important service. Not only is Rivell reliable and trustworthy, but their expertise in the field is what sets them apart from competitors. Rival goes above and beyond to ensure that all their customers’ needs are met, if not exceeded. Not only does Rival have experience providing services for some of the top-named and well-known companies, but they have such a positive reputation that many of the companies that have partnered with them would be happy to recommend Rival. Why Do Small Businesses Need MSP? Not all small businesses are even aware that managed IT services exist and what they can offer their company. Despite this fact, there are many reasons why small businesses need an MSP for continuous support. First of all, small business owners sometimes feel overwhelmed by the amount and magnitude of responsibilities that they have. These daily tasks can seem endless, but an MSP can manage many, if not all, of their IT responsibilities. This can free up time for these small business owners to focus on other tasks that are more pressing. Therefore, some pressure is taken off them and they often no longer feel stressed and overwhelmed. Another reason why small businesses need an MSP is because, instead of attempting to go at it alone and manage all IT problems themselves, there is an entire team available for support with an MSP. So, instead of relying on another person with whom you may work, who undoubtedly needs time off periodically, or attempting to manage all of the IT issues that arise as well as other tasks, the MSP will always be available to provide the IT support that you need. IT professionals aren’t only needed when problems arise, but they’re also needed to prevent problems from occurring in the first place, which is why managed IT services are so necessary for all small businesses. Furthermore, small business owners can definitely benefit from the constant IT support that is available through their MSP. It can be difficult, if not impossible, to predict when a technical problem might occur. If a small business only has knowledgeable people available during certain hours and an issue arises after hours, then this could become a major problem. Luckily, with an MSP, IT support is always available, regardless of the day or time. This way, issues get resolved much faster, and with greater efficiency. Yet another reason why small businesses need to partner with an MSP is because in-house IT staff may be needed to work on special products and may not have time to fix every IT issue that arises. However, by partnering with a high-quality MSP, small businesses can keep their IT staff free to work on their special assignments, without the need to run out and manage every IT problem that arises. Many small businesses need assistance with getting their spending under control, and that’s another positive aspect of opting for managed services through cloud hosting, because this service can definitely limit spending. Instead of paying multiple IT staff to work full-time hours, all a small business does is pay the MSP, and the MSP provides unlimited services. So, for business owners who are tired of feeling overwhelmed and burned out because of their massive number of responsibilities, partnering with a reputable and reliable MSP can quickly relieve their stress while allowing them adequate time to handle other pressing matters. Some small businesses that are just starting out might see managed IT services as a waste of money, but not only can these services assist a company with becoming more lucrative, but small businesses could even possibly save money by opting for such services. Every company seeking an MSP will have a different experience, but hopefully all their experiences are positive, especially if they choose to partner with Rivell, one of the leaders in the industry. For more information, contact us today.

Why Rivell?

Why Rivell?

Rivell prides itself on maintaining a 99.9% client retention rate with state and local government clients. We believe it’s a testament to the level of service we provide along with the positive, professional relationships we’ve built with our clients, over a longevity of 20+ years. We encourage any of our potential customers to reach out to our current clients to ask them about their experience with Rivell. We’re confident you’ll hear nothing but positive feedback, which we hope reassures you that Rivell is a great selection for a solid I.T. service provider.

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