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Importance of Human Firewalls for Security

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, where the volume and sophistication of cyber threats continue to grow, cybersecurity has emerged as a paramount concern for organizations worldwide. While technological defenses such as firewalls, encryption, and antivirus software are fundamental in protecting against cyberattacks, the human element remains indispensable. Human firewalls, comprising individuals within an organization who are educated, vigilant, and proactive in recognizing and mitigating cyber risks, play a pivotal role in bolstering overall cybersecurity resilience.  Understanding Human Firewalls  Human firewalls are essentially the frontline defenders against cyber threats. Unlike traditional firewall systems that operate within network infrastructure, human firewalls are dynamic and adaptive. They encompass employees at all levels who are trained to recognize suspicious activities, adhere to security protocols, and respond effectively to potential breaches.  Importance of Human Firewalls  1. Detection and Prevention of Social Engineering Attacks A significant proportion of cyber incidents originate from social engineering tactics like phishing, where attackers exploit human vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access or extract sensitive information. Human firewalls, through comprehensive training and awareness programs, can identify phishing emails, malicious links, or suspicious requests, thereby thwarting potential attacks before they compromise organizational security.  2. Cultural Shift towards Cybersecurity Awareness Beyond specific threats, human firewalls contribute to cultivating a culture of cybersecurity within the organization. By instilling a mindset of vigilance and responsibility among employees, organizations create a proactive defense mechanism against a wide range of cyber threats.  3. Mitigating Insider Threats Not all cybersecurity risks stem from external sources. Insider threats, whether intentional or accidental, pose significant risks to organizational security. Human firewalls are trained to recognize anomalous behaviors, report policy violations, and mitigate insider threats effectively, thereby safeguarding sensitive data and assets.  4. Adapting to Evolving Cyber Threats Cyber threats are dynamic and continuously evolving. Human firewalls are adaptable and capable of learning new techniques and strategies to counter emerging threats that may evade traditional cybersecurity measures. This adaptability ensures that organizations remain resilient and responsive in the face of evolving cyber threats.  5. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements Many industries are subject to stringent regulatory frameworks governing data protection and cybersecurity. Human firewalls ensure organizational compliance by adhering to best practices, maintaining robust security measures, and safeguarding sensitive information in accordance with regulatory requirements.  Building Effective Human Firewalls  Creating and maintaining effective human firewalls requires a multifaceted approach: 1. Education and Training Regular cybersecurity awareness training programs are the cornerstone of building strong human firewalls. These programs should be comprehensive, engaging, and tailored to the specific needs and risks faced by the organization. Key elements of effective education and training include:  2. Promoting a Culture of Security Creating a culture where cybersecurity is prioritized and integrated into daily operations requires active participation and leadership from all levels of the organization. Key strategies for promoting a culture of security include:  3. Continuous Improvement Cyber threats evolve rapidly, requiring organizations to continuously update their cybersecurity strategies and practices. Continuous improvement strategies for human firewalls include:  Get Started Today Protect your organization with Rivell’s industry-leading cybersecurity solutions. Contact us to schedule a consultation and discover how we can empower your human firewalls to defend against cyber threats effectively.


Rivell Honored as a Clutch Champion for Spring 2024

Rivell, a leading Managed IT Services Provider, today announced it has been recognized a 2024 Spring Clutch Champion by Clutch, the leading global marketplace of B2B service providers. This  designation recognizes business service providers across the world for their industry expertise and ability to deliver exceptional results compared to other companies in their line of service. Rivell earned a spot among the 2024 Spring Clutch Champions by acquiring three or more new, verified client reviews in the last six months. This award recognizes Rivell as a top-rated leader in the Managed IT services space based on our clients’ satisfaction and high-quality service ratings. “At Rivell , we are honored to receive this prestigious recognition this year. Our decades of experience in the IT industry, coupled with our commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, have positioned us as a trusted partner for businesses seeking reliable and cutting-edge IT solutions,” Said Ryan Van Laeys , CEO of Rivell. “We are delighted to present this award for the second year, celebrating both new and returning achievers for their outstanding performance,” said Sonny Ganguly, Clutch CEO. “These honorees represent the top companies on our platform, consistently exceeding client expectations and receiving an abundance of positive feedback from their clients.  Their continued excellence sets a high standard, inspiring others in their respective service lines to strive for similar levels of distinction.” This year, Rivell has also been recognized for CRN’s 2024 MSP 500 by CRN.com. View our recent work and reviews on our Clutch profile  https://clutch.co/profile/rivell ABOUT Rivell Rivell is a dynamic and innovative managed IT service provider with over 20 years of experience, based in New Jersey. We specialize in delivering tailored solutions and exceptional client service across various industries. Our sharp focus on reliability, security, and efficiency empowers businesses of all sizes to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape with confidence. Our team of experienced professionals combines industry expertise with a customer-centric approach to deliver customized IT solutions that precisely meet the unique needs and challenges of each client. Whether you’re in healthcare, finance, education, or any other sector, we have the knowledge and tools to help you succeed. We take pride in our five-star reviews, which reflect our steadfast commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. Through continuous innovation and dedication, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to optimize their IT infrastructure and drive sustainable growth in today’s ever-evolving technological landscape. ABOUT CLUTCH Clutch empowers better business decisions as the leading global marketplace of B2B service providers. More than 1 million business leaders start at Clutch each month to read in-depth client interviews and discover trusted agency partners to meet their business needs. Clutch has been honored for the past 6 consecutive years as an Inc. 5000 fastest-growing company and by the Washington Business Journal as one of the 50 fastest-growing private companies in the DC metro area for 2023.


Transforming Education with Managed IT Services

Technological advancement has presented numerous challenges to educational institutions in the current society. From protecting the networks to ensuring that students and faculty have access to up-to-date tools and resources, schools require a strong IT back-end to operate effectively. The education sector ranks lowest in terms of cybersecurity performance among major industries, with 86% of institutions experiencing at least one cyber threat in the past year. Managed IT services for education provide a comprehensive solution to these challenges, empowering schools to focus on their primary mission: Teaching and imparting knowledge to learners. We will discuss the advantages of managed IT services for schools and in the educational sector.  The Role of Managed IT Services in Education  Managed IT services for education are a comprehensive set of services aimed at satisfying the requirements of schools and other educational establishments. These services include Network and Information Security, Data Backup and Recovery, Cloud Computing, and IT Helpdesk. This paper therefore posits that by contracting out these services to a specialized provider, schools will have a foolproof technology backbone. Research from Gartner indicates that by 2025, 51% of education institutions will have shifted their IT spending from traditional solutions to managed services.  Benefits of Managed IT Services for Education Industry  1. Enhanced Security  One of the most crucial advantages of Managed IT services for the education sector is the improvement of the security system. Schools contain large amounts of confidential data such as student records, staff records, and even records of financial transactions. The managed services prevent the loss of this information through cyber threats through firewalls, data encryption, and security checks.   2. Cost Efficiency  Lack of funds is a big problem that is usually felt in the education sector. Managed IT services for schools can be a more economical solution as they do not require hiring an IT department as well as purchasing hardware and software. It also makes it easier in terms of payment since schools must pay a fixed amount every month for the services offered. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the average annual expenditure per public school student for technology infrastructure and services is $450. Managed IT services for schools can reduce this cost significantly as they do not require hiring an IT department as well as purchasing hardware and software.  3. Improved Uptime and Reliability  Technological failure often hampers the academic achievement of the institution because it displaces teaching and learning. It implies that networks and systems in schools are checked and managed round the clock through proactive maintenance and quick problem-solving. This minimizes time losses and helps maintain a steady flow of educational activities with minimal or no intermission.  4. Access to Latest Technology  It is important in today’s society to keep up to date with the advancements in educational technology. Rivell managed IT services for education help to ensure that the education sector is in a position to leverage on the latest technological advancements. Among these, we provide updates on software and hardware in order to equip educational institutions with the latest technology. A survey by Deloitte found that 81% of educators believe technology helps them improve the learning experience for students.  5. Focus on Core Educational Activities  Hiring a Rivell will relieve school administrators and teachers from worrying about technical support since they can concentrate on their teaching and learning objectives. This enhances the performance and efficiency of the educational setting to create a more effective study environment.  6. Scalability and Flexibility  With the ever advancement of schools and educational institutions, so does the need for IT solutions. Managed IT services are an easily adjustable form of services that can be adjusted depending on the needs of the moment. These services include adding new devices to the network, increasing the network capacity, and integrating new software, which are all crucial in supporting the learning process in educational institutions.  7. Expert Support  Managed IT services include the availability of a pool of IT professionals with the requisite experience and training. This guarantees that all schools are given the best support and direction especially on matters concerning IT. This is because the IT professionals who work in managed services are constantly trained and certified which is a plus for the schools.  8. Enhanced Collaboration and Communication  It is true that the exchange of information and ideas is crucial in the teaching-learning process. IT services include tools such as email platforms, video conferencing systems, and collaboration software which enable the staff and students to effectively and easily communicate and work together whether physically present or not.  Why Schools Should Choose Managed IT Services  There are numerous benefits that come with the implementation of managed IT services and that is why more and more educational institutions are implementing it. Here’s a closer look at benefits of managed IT services for School: Here’s a closer look at benefits of managed IT services for School:  1. Customization   Managed IT service providers develop solutions for each school individually which makes for a perfect fit.  2. Proactive Management  Instead of responding to incidents as they occur, managed services monitor and maintain IT systems in order to avoid problems.  3. Strategic Planning  Through managed IT services, schools are able to plan for future developments hence promoting long-term growth.  4. Compliance  There are numerous guidelines that have been set by various organizations to govern matters concerning data protection in schools. This way, managed IT services help the schools maintain compliance with the standards in order to avoid any legal and financial consequences.  Empowering Education with Advanced Technologies  1. Using Advanced Technologies for Superior Learning Outcomes  Utilizing new technologies is crucial for enhancing the learning experience in education. Tools like whiteboards, virtual environments, and AI cater to various learning styles, making lessons engaging and effective. For example, VR enables virtual visits to historical sites or the human body, enriching learning beyond traditional methods. AI suggests personalized learning paths, identifies strengths and weaknesses, and offers relevant resources. These advancements empower schools to better prepare students for the future by optimizing the learning process.  2. Strengthening Cyber Defenses in Educational Institutions  With the rise of technology in education, safeguarding data is paramount. Schools must be vigilant against cyber threats


Safeguarding Your Business with IT Security Assessments

It is in the contemporary world where a lot of business activities are conducted online that organizations are at high risk of falling victim to cyber threats that can lead to data loss, business downtime, and negative impact on the company’s image. These risks can be reduced through conducting the following comprehensive IT security assessments in the organization. This guide will focus on understanding why it is crucial to do IT security assessments, what are the elements of the assessment, and how you can protect your business from cyber threats.  What is an IT Security Assessment?  An IT Security assessment can be defined as a comprehensive examination of the information technology systems that are used in a certain organization with the aim of determining the strengths, weaknesses and the risks that are present in the system. It is to provide assurance that the right security controls have been put in place to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or loss of data. This is a process of checking hardware, software, networks and policies in an organization to determine the areas that are vulnerable to attacks by hackers.  Why IT Security Assessments are Crucial  The role of IT security assessments cannot be overemphasized. As cyber threats are much more complicated, companies should be prepared for possible attacks. Here are some reasons why regular information technology security assessments are critical:  1. Identifying Vulnerabilities  Review of IT security assessments assists in identifying vulnerabilities in your system that the attackers could potentially use. From the given list of vulnerabilities, it will be easier to put in measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.  2. Compliance  Several industries are required by law to conduct information security risk assessments on a regular basis due to regulation compliance. Not adhering to these sets of regulations not only exposes the business to legal consequences but also to data breaches.  3. Risk Management  An IT security risk assessment will define the vulnerabilities to your organization and categorize these risks according to levels of severity. Recent surveys reveal that 60 percent of small businesses are closed six months after a cyber incident. This will allow you to control such risk and manage resources necessary for their handling.  4. Protecting Reputation  A breach of data can have terrible consequences to your company and its reputation. As in 2023 the cost of a breach of data was estimated to be $4.45 million, and the loss of customers’ trust is even worse. This is because conducting IT security assessments on a routine basis can help you avoid incidents that would harm your brand and reduce the confidence your customers have in you.  5. Cost Savings   Proactive identification and mitigation of security risks can save your business from costly data breaches and downtime. According to IBM, it has been estimated that corporations achieve average net savings of $1.8 million. This will save dollars on data breaches by having preventive measures in place. That’s why it is crucial to invest in IT security assessments as it will help you save your money and assets in the future.  Key Components of an IT Security Assessment  In order to have an effective IT security assessment, there are several components that need to be considered:  1. Asset Inventory  The first activity that must be carried out in an information technology security assessment is to develop an inventory of all IT resources that are available in any organization in the form of hardware, software, data, and networks. This inventory serves as the basis for assessing the organization’s weakest links and the effects of possible threats.  2. Threat Identification  IT security risk assessment is crucial to identify potential threats that may be posing a definite risk. This includes recognizing the different categories of cyber risks that exist, including malware, phishing, ransomware, and insider threats. A thorough threat identification process includes examining both external and internal threats to your organization.  3. Vulnerability Assessment  Vulnerability scanning is the process of taking stock of the security posture of your IT systems and networks, and determining the level of risk of exposure to threats. This involves assessing open exposure of applications, poor configurations and weak passwords. Some of the tools that can help in identifying such issues include vulnerability scanners and penetration testing.  4. Risk Analysis  The identification of risks is one of the most important aspects of any information security risk assessment. This process requires the assessment of the chances and effects that the threats may cause in exploiting the vulnerabilities. A survey revealed that 68 percent of executives admitted to experiencing a rise in their cybersecurity threats. A risk analysis allows you to rank risks according to their potential impact and come up with ways of reducing the risks.  5. Security Controls Evaluation  It is crucial to evaluate the efficiency of the current security measures to find out if they provide enough protection for the IT infrastructure. This entails checking on the firewalls, anti-virus, intruder detection systems and the controls on access. A proper IT risk analysis will help you ascertain that your security controls are adequate to protect against the current threats.  6. Compliance Review  Some sectors have certain rules and policies to follow concerning data protection and privacy. An information security risk assessment should also involve a compliance check to determine whether your organization has adhered to these standards. Lack of compliance with the regulations like GDPR sanctions can lead to fines that range from 4% of the company’s total annual worldwide turnover to $20 million depending on which is higher. This also prevents legal complications and increases your security position.  7. Reporting and Documentation  A detailed report outlining the findings of the IT security assessment is crucial for transparency and accountability. This report should include identified vulnerabilities, assessed risks, and recommended actions to improve security. Proper documentation also assists in tracking progress over time and is useful for reference during subsequent evaluations.  Best Practices for Conducting IT Security Assessments  To ensure the effectiveness of your IT security assessments, follow these best practices:  1. Regular Assessments  Conduct IT security assessments

working on laptop

How to Choose the Right VoIP Service Provider for Your Needs

The VoIP market is growing rapidly with the advent of new technologies and the increasing demand for high-quality, affordable VoIP services. However, with so many VoIP service providers to choose from, it can be difficult to find the right one for your business. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the eight steps you need to take to find the best VoIP service provider for your business. We’ll cover everything from evaluating your business’s needs to comparing features and pricing. By the end of this guide, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision about which VoIP service provider is right for you. 1. Defining Your Business Needs The first step in choosing the right VoIP service provider is to evaluate your business’s needs. What kind of features do you need? How many phone lines do you need? What is your budget? Once you have a good understanding of your business’s needs, you’ll be able to narrow down your options and find a VoIP service provider that offers the features you need at a price you can afford. 2. Researching Potential Providers Once you know what you’re looking for, it’s time to start researching potential VoIP service providers. There are a few different ways to do this. You can start by asking friends and colleagues for recommendations. You can also read online reviews, compare features, and pricing, and check out each provider’s website. 3. Checking for Compatibility One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a VoIP service provider is compatibility. You’ll need to ensure that the provider you choose offers service in your area and that their service will work with your existing phone system. 4. Evaluating User Reviews Another important factor to consider when choosing a VoIP service provider is user reviews. You can find user reviews on a provider’s website, on consumer review websites, and in forums. Reading user reviews will give you a good idea of what other people think of a particular provider and whether or not they would recommend them to others. 5. Examining Pricing Plans Once you’ve narrowed down your options to a few potential providers, it’s time to start comparing pricing plans. VoIP service providers typically offer a variety of pricing plans, so you’ll need to find one that fits your budget. Be sure to compare the features included in each plan to make sure you’re getting the best value for your money. 6. Considering Customer Support One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a VoIP service provider is customer support. After all, if you have problems with your service, you’ll want to be able to reach a customer support representative who can help you resolve them quickly and easily. When evaluating customer support, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you’ll want to ensure that the provider offers 24/7 customer support. This way, you’ll be able to reach a customer support representative any time of day or night, no matter where you are in the world. Second, you’ll want to ensure that the customer support representatives are knowledgeable and helpful. The last thing you want is to be stuck on the phone with a customer support representative who doesn’t know how to resolve your issue. Finally, you’ll want to make sure that the customer support representatives are available in your time zone. This way, you won’t have to wait on hold for an hour while they try to figure out what time it is where you are. 7. Making Your Decision Once you’ve considered all of the factors we’ve discussed in this guide, you should have a good idea of which VoIP service provider is right for your business. However, if you’re still not sure, we recommend taking advantage of the free trials that many VoIP service providers offer. This way, you can test out the service for yourself and see if it’s a good fit for your business. Conclusion There are a few key factors to consider when choosing the right VoIP service provider for your business. First, you’ll need to evaluate your business’s needs and budget. Then, you’ll need to do your research and compare different VoIP providers. Once you’ve found a few providers that meet your needs, you’ll need to compare their features, prices, and customer support. Finally, you’ll need to decide which provider is the best fit for your business. Are you looking for VoIP solutions in New Jersey? Rivell is here to provide you with the services that your business needs. Contact us today to learn more!

Act as your Virtual CISO

Act as your Virtual CISO

Let Rivell be your personal Virtual CISO (Virtual Chief Information Security Officer)! Drawing upon our many years of experience we will deliver client-based cyber security expertise to your institution. We will work with both your security needs and budget.

Cyber Security

Cyber Security Solutions

As more institutions make the shift to digital systems, the necessity to safeguard sensitive data increases. With a significant number of employees working remotely, the risks associated with cyber threats are more tangible than ever before. Equipping your business with the appropriate security solutions can help to minimize these risks. From large-scale data attacks to annoying malware, having an inefficient cyber security system can greatly hinder the success of your business or organization. To get the protection your business needs and deserves from data breaches, it’s vital that you have an experienced team to back you up. With our 20+ years of experience providing support for SMB businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies we’re confident in our ability to protect your data.

Why Rivell?

Why Rivell?

Rivell prides itself on maintaining a 99.9% client retention rate with state and local government clients. We believe it’s a testament to the level of service we provide along with the positive, professional relationships we’ve built with our clients, over a longevity of 20+ years. We encourage any of our potential customers to reach out to our current clients to ask them about their experience with Rivell. We’re confident you’ll hear nothing but positive feedback, which we hope reassures you that Rivell is a great selection for a solid I.T. service provider.

What is VoIP?

What is VoIP?

VoIP is an innovative technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband internet connection instead of a regular phone line. This grants your business the unique opportunity to make calls using a device such as a desktop or laptop as a special VoIP phone. Some services even allow you to use a traditional phone when connected to a VoIP adapter. Some advantages of VoIP phone services include: Ease of access by being able to use a computer as your phone. Being able to multi-task while taking a call. Features and services that are not generally offered by traditional phones. Being able to significantly save on money when switching from a landline to a VoIP.   Looking for a reliable VoIP Phone services provider in NJ? Look no further than Rivell! Discover how Rivell can help your business stay connected with our cutting edge solutions.

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