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December 30, 2022

IT team working
Managed IT Services

What’s the Difference Between Cloud Servers and Dedicated Servers?

When it comes to choosing a web hosting service for your business, there are a lot of options to choose from. Two of the most popular hosting services are cloud server and dedicated server. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to understand the difference between the two before making a decision: Cloud Server vs. Dedicated Server: What’s the Difference? Cloud servers, also known as virtual private servers (VPS), are hosted on a network of multiple physical servers. Each of these servers is connected to a shared pool of resources, such as memory, CPU, and storage. This allows companies to scale their server resources as needed, without having to invest in additional hardware. Cloud servers are also typically more reliable and secure than traditional dedicated servers, as they are located in data centers with multiple layers of redundancy. On the other hand, dedicated servers are physical servers that are dedicated to a single user or organization. This means that the resources of the server are not shared, giving the user complete control over the server and its configuration. The Pros and Cons of Cloud Servers Pros of Cloud Servers Cost Savings – One of the most attractive benefits of cloud servers is the cost savings they offer. With cloud servers, businesses don’t need to invest in expensive hardware and software, as the cloud provider takes care of all of that for you. This can lead to significant cost savings in both hardware and software costs. Scalability – Cloud servers are highly scalable, meaning you can quickly and easily add or remove resources as needed. This makes it easy to accommodate changing needs and to scale up or down as needed. Security – Cloud servers are generally more secure than on-premise servers because the cloud provider is responsible for the security of the servers and data. This means that businesses don’t have to worry about security threats as much and can focus on running their business. Reliability – Cloud servers are much more reliable than on-premise servers, as they are constantly monitored and maintained by the cloud provider. This means that businesses can be sure that their servers are always up and running and that any issues can be quickly addressed. Cons of Cloud Servers Limited Control – One of the drawbacks of cloud servers is that businesses have limited control over them. This means that businesses can’t customize the servers as much as they could with on-premise servers, and can’t access the physical hardware in the event of a problem. Complex Setup – Setting up and managing cloud servers can be complex, as businesses need to be familiar with the cloud provider’s platform and technologies. This can require a significant amount of time and effort to learn and can be difficult for businesses that don’t have the necessary expertise. Read more : 5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Cloud Hosting Plan The Pros and Cons of Dedicated Servers Pros of Dedicated Servers Increased Performance: Dedicated servers provide an isolated environment with dedicated resources, so performance is significantly improved. This is especially beneficial for businesses that rely on their websites to generate revenue, as a slow website can lead to lost customers and sales. Security: Dedicated servers provide an extra layer of security since they are not shared with other users. This means that there is less risk of malicious attacks or data breaches. Flexibility: Dedicated servers offer more flexibility than shared hosting solutions, as businesses can customize their server to their exact needs. This includes the ability to choose the operating system, control panel, and other software that is installed. Cons of Dedicated Servers Cost: Dedicated servers are more expensive than shared hosting solutions, so businesses need to carefully consider their budget when making this decision. Maintenance: Dedicated servers require more maintenance than shared hosting solutions. Businesses need to ensure that their servers are up to date and secure, which can be time consuming and costly. Expertise: Dedicated servers require a certain level of technical expertise to manage and maintain. Businesses need to ensure that they have staff with the necessary skills to handle this. Conclusion Cloud servers and dedicated servers are two distinct types of hosting solutions. Cloud servers provide a virtualized environment with on-demand scalability, while dedicated servers provide a physical machine with full control. Cloud servers are usually less expensive and faster to set up, while dedicated servers are more reliable and offer higher performance. The right choice of server depends on the size of the business, the budget, and the requirements of the application. Rivell is a trusted company offering various services, including cloud server hosting. Learn more about our IT support and consulting services in New Jersey!

Customer support operators
Business Phone Systems

6 Great Benefits of VoIP Systems for Small Businesses

What is VoIP? Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is the technology that allows people to make voice and video calls over the internet. VoIP works by converting analog audio signals from a phone or computer microphone into digital data, which is then transmitted over the internet. The data is then converted back into an audio signal at the other end of the call. VoIP has revolutionized the way people communicate by making it possible to use the internet to make voice and video calls at a fraction of the cost of traditional telephone systems. This, of course, has benefitted small businesses in so many ways, which we will discuss today: 1. Cost Savings VoIP offers significant cost savings compared to traditional phone systems. Businesses can save money on hardware, installation, and long-distance calling charges. VoIP also eliminates the need for costly add-ons, such as fax machines and special telephone lines. This is a big win for small businesses that do not have many financial resources to work with. 2. Scalability VoIP is highly scalable, meaning businesses can easily add new users or lines as the company grows. This makes it an ideal solution for businesses that are expecting to grow in the near future, allowing them to scale their solution without having to invest in an entirely new one. This, of course, helps to save a lot of money and time. 3. Flexibility VoIP allows businesses to be flexible in how they use their phone system. For example, they can make and receive calls from anywhere with an internet connection. They can also set up virtual numbers, which can be used to make and receive calls in different countries without incurring additional costs. This flexibility eliminates the need for other solutions since one VoIP system can do it all. 4. Features VoIP systems come with a range of features that can be used to streamline communication. These features include caller ID, call forwarding, voicemail, conference calling, and call recording. All of these features make VoIP systems incredibly useful in many applications. 5. Integration VoIP can be easily integrated with other business systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. This allows businesses to improve customer service and increase efficiency. On top of that, this makes VoIP systems much easier to use, overall boosting the business’ productivity levels. 6. Security VoIP systems are secure and encrypted, making them ideal for businesses that need to protect sensitive data. This can help protect against unauthorized access and data breaches, especially when sensitive company information is being discussed or shared through the system. Conclusion All in all, VoIP offers a range of benefits for small businesses. It can help businesses save money, scale quickly, and be more efficient. It also offers a range of features and can be easily integrated with other business systems. Finally, it provides a secure and encrypted system for protecting sensitive data. All of these benefits make VoIP systems incredibly attractive to large enterprises and even more so to small businesses! So, if you are looking for a communication solution that’s effective now and into the future, check out VoIP systems today. Rivell is an IT support and consulting service company helping businesses discover the right tech solutions to meet their needs. If you are looking for a Best VoIP Phone Services in New Jersey, get in touch with us!

Working at IT company
Managed IT Services

6 Benefits of Managed IT Services for Small Businesses

IT services are valuable for any company because they offer various benefits, such as improved efficiency, cost savings, and better customer service. Because of this, IT services are considered to play a critical role in a company’s success. However, not all IT service providers are equal in the sense that some offer more comprehensive services than others. For this reason, companies look for managed IT services. According to Mordor Intelligence, The Managed Services Market size is expected to grow from USD 260.39 billion in 2023 to USD 380.83 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 7.90% during the forecast period (2023-2028).  Managed IT services are a type of IT service provided by an external company that allows a company to outsource the management of its IT infrastructure and operations. This includes managing network and server infrastructure, providing support for software and hardware, and providing security. Despite this, many companies don’t consider hiring managed IT services because they think it’s unsustainable, which is rarely the case. How small businesses can benefit from managed it services 1. Hire Qualified Talent Managed IT services providers have the resources and personnel to provide you with qualified IT professionals. You can outsource this responsibility to a third-party provider rather than hiring and training your in-house IT staff. This allows you to save time and money and access specialized skills that you may not have access to in-house. Most managed IT service professionals are certified in various areas of IT, such as cloud computing, security, and networking. This means you can trust them to provide the best possible solutions for your IT needs. 2. Better IT Infrastructure Your IT infrastructure is essential for the success of your business. Managed IT services providers can help you build and maintain the best IT infrastructure for your business. They have the expertise and resources to ensure that your systems are up-to-date, secure, and reliable. They can also provide you with the latest technology and tools to help you maximize your efficiency and productivity. For example, if you’re looking to upgrade your network, they can provide you with the latest hardware and software and the necessary training and support to help you get the most out of it. They can also help you monitor your system performance and provide regular maintenance to ensure everything runs smoothly. 3. Improved Security Managed IT service providers can help secure your data and systems from potential cyber threats. They can also help you implement the latest security measures to protect your data and systems from unauthorized access. They can provide the best security solutions to ensure your systems and data are always protected. 4. Grants Access to New Technologies New technologies are bound to emerge over time. Managed IT service providers can help you access these technologies without investing too much. This can be especially beneficial for small businesses that may not have the resources to invest in new technologies. For example, most companies use cloud-based services, but many don’t have the resources to purchase and manage their cloud infrastructure. Managed IT service providers can help you access cloud services and manage them for you. This can save you time and money while giving you access to the latest technologies. 5. Cost-Effective Solutions Managed IT services are cost-effective solutions for businesses of all sizes. By outsourcing your IT needs, you can avoid the costs associated with hiring and training a team of IT professionals. Additionally, managed IT service providers can help you reduce costs related to hardware and software purchases by providing you with access to their resources. In addition to cost savings, managed IT services can also help you save time. By outsourcing your IT needs, you can focus on other aspects of your business and devote more time to growing your business. This can help you save money in the long run by allowing you to focus on your core operations. 6. Scalability Managed IT services are highly scalable, allowing businesses to easily adjust their IT services to meet their changing needs. This can help companies to save money by not investing in additional hardware and software when their needs change. Because of this, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and ensure their IT services are ready for anything. Types of Managed IT Services Tailored for Small Businesses Let’s deep dive into various types of Managed IT Services specifically designed to meet the unique needs of small businesses. 1. Proactive Network Monitoring Proactive network monitoring is the backbone of Managed IT Services. This type of service involves continuous tracking of a business’s IT infrastructure to identify and address potential issues before they impact operations. For small businesses, this means less downtime, improved performance, and a proactive approach to maintaining a robust network. 2. Cybersecurity Solutions In an era where cyber threats are rampant, small businesses can’t afford to overlook the importance of robust cybersecurity. Managed IT Services offer tailored cybersecurity solutions that go beyond basic antivirus protection. From firewall management to regular security audits, these services ensure that sensitive data is secure, and businesses remain compliant with industry regulations. 3. Cloud Computing Services Small businesses often face challenges in managing and storing data cost-effectively. Cloud computing services provided by Managed IT Services offer a solution. This includes cloud storage, software as a service (SaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS), providing small businesses with flexible and scalable solutions without the need for substantial upfront investments. 4. Remote IT Support With the rise of remote work, having reliable remote IT support that extends beyond physical office boundaries is crucial. Managed IT Services offer remote IT support, ensuring that employees can access assistance and troubleshooting regardless of their location. This type of service enhances flexibility and keeps operations running smoothly. 5. Backup and Disaster Recovery Data loss can be catastrophic for any business, especially small enterprises with limited resources. Managed IT Services include robust backup and disaster recovery solutions. Regular data backups and comprehensive recovery plans ensure that critical information is protected

IT Company
Managed IT Services

What Are The Pros of Hiring An IT Consulting Company?

IT consulting businesses are crucial because of the latest technological revolution. Technology has altered the way that organizations operate today. There are many benefits to hiring an IT consulting company in New Jersey. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that an IT consulting firm can save your company money. The cost of maintaining a full-time internal IT department is high due to IT trends’ adaptable and always-changing nature.  A business that provides consulting services for IT solutions provides efficient solutions at low cost and with a good Return on Investment (ROI). Many small and medium-sized businesses employ IT consulting services to complete their IT-related activities.  Due to the consulting industry’s substantial contribution to the global economy, major changes may occur during the next five years. What Are The Pros of Hiring An IT Consulting Company? The list of IT consulting services does not include the above mentioned services. Data management and storage, data backup, social media consulting, computer maintenance, and website design are a few examples of further IT consulting services. IT consulting services have demonstrated their ability to scale up small businesses without increasing overhead.  Small businesses, particularly, profit financially and logistically from consulting services for IT solutions. A company that hires outside IT consulting services benefits in some ways, including: Saving Both Money and Time In terms of overhead, employee benefits, taxes, and training costs, engaging an external IT consulting team is less expensive than creating an internal IT department. Rapid problem identification and resolution lower lost downtime, which results in significant cost savings. According to a BCM Software study for Forrester Research, Fortune 100 companies lose more than $100 billion yearly due to routine IT difficulties that affect every employee. On the other hand, employing an IT consulting service allows you to pay by the project or the hour. Small businesses can save costs and increase revenues by managing payments. Knowledge and Experience The decision to hire an IT consultancy is promising due to the company’s collective experience and domain expertise. IT consulting companies in NJ engage seasoned IT experts with backgrounds in various IT disciplines across industries. Businesses will create cutting-edge technology thanks to IT consultancies’ industry-wide and cross-functional understanding. Following market developments, they ensure that their consumers receive the most advanced technology. As long as companies choose the appropriate IT consulting services, they are always one step ahead of their competitors. Higher Productivity, Higher Sales  Technology makes communicating, collaborating and sharing knowledge easier, which boosts business productivity.  Businesses can achieve true productivity when the best IT strategies are carefully planned and implemented. Because of this, the workers produce higher-quality work, which boosts productivity. Moreover, businesses seek the assistance of IT consulting services to handle massive amounts of data effectively and engage with their target audience in a parallel effort to improve customer relations.  Large data utilization is challenging and time-consuming, but service providers excel at it. This service aids companies in creating more efficient marketing plans and methods for audience targeting. As a result, the company’s revenues later considerably rise. Network Security Even technological vulnerabilities are spreading quickly in the world of technology, which is developing quickly. Cyberattacks and security issues can affect all kinds of enterprises, industries, and countries.  Businesses that outsource IT consulting services emphasizing internet security can rely on them and concentrate more of their attention on their main company operations.  Additionally, IT consulting companies in New Jersey provide their employees with the best training possible for the technology they are working with and any potential associated risks. Round-the-Clock Availability In the contemporary environment, there is no buffer for downtime. Security risks and cyberattacks can occur day or night at any time. Businesses must constantly be on guard and prepared to act in an emergency. Clients might contact an IT consulting company about this over the phone. They also provide constant surveillance, which helps identify threats to the business early on. IT consulting companies do fixes and upgrades at odd hours to ensure organizational productivity (nights and weekends). Conclusion  Hiring an IT consulting firm can provide your business with some benefits. An IT consultant can help you save time and money by providing expert advice on improving your business processes. In addition, an IT consultant can also help you keep up with the latest technology trends and ensure that your business is using the best possible technology solutions. Rivell is an IT consulting company in New Jersey with clients in state and local governments and takes great pride in having a 99.9% client retention rate. Ask for support today!

Employee working
Cloud Hosting Services

Remote Performance The Notable Benefits of Cloud Hosting

Without a doubt, “the cloud” is a concept familiar to everyone nowadays. Through the utilization of remote servers and data centers, cloud computing can carry out various functions, from processing computationally complex jobs to delivering dynamic web page content on demand. But why are cloud services better than hosting your website on your own server? Your website and its files will be hosted in the cloud, which increases its speed, accessibility, and security. Further, the benefits far outweigh the costs, making this a common hosting choice. The advantages of cloud hosting will be discussed in this essay. It Helps Ensure a Company’s Operations Will Continue as Usual Is there any assurance that your in-house servers will never experience an unscheduled outage? Also, how do you intend to get them back online as soon as possible if/when they go down? No system is completely safe against malfunction or natural disaster. However, cloud servers lessen the effects of service interruptions. For instance, in the case of cloud computing, data centers utilize mechanisms like backup power generation to guarantee that data transmissions continue even in the event of utility disruptions. Additionally, several facilities use cutting-edge systems that can automatically restart, gather diagnostic data, and alert staff to any ongoing issues. It May Boost the Rate at Which Your Data Is Delivered Images, videos, and other media content are examples of data that require a lot of storage space and bandwidth, and these files are hosted on Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). Many e-commerce platforms use cloud-based content delivery networks (CDNs) to host media, including product images, user reviews, and how-to videos. The ability to retrieve data more quickly is a major advantage of cloud hosting that CDNs make use of. Using geolocation data, modern cloud hosting services may instantaneously determine which server is geographically closest to a user, ensuring that they receive material from the most expedient location. This, in turn, reduces wait times and speeds up page loads. In addition to reducing the strain on your local hosts, speeding up page requests, using strong cloud servers to disperse load can do both. It Gives You Instant Access to Mission-Critical Services The advantages of cloud hosting are not limited to websites that are accessible to the general public. They are also critically important in the provisioning of data services for use within an organization. Multi-store retailers, for instance, frequently use cloud hosting for their sales software. Then, workers at each location can send real-time updates on productivity to the mothership. It Eases up All Your Security Tasks Do you think it will be more difficult to ensure data security while working with cloud computing that is decentralized? However, this is no longer a problem with today’s host services. The same resilient cloud hosting concepts that allow you to continue operating through power outages and natural disasters also strengthen your defenses. For instance, you won’t have to second-guess the suitability of your platform for secure online payments or healthcare records storage if you know that your server hardware and software fully complies with security standards like PCI, DSS, and HIPAA. Cloud hosting that meets the necessary requirements might put you in a better position to deal with threats while it is still crucial to operate your systems securely. It Is an Excellent Way to Boost Your Website’sWebsite’s Performance Hosting your website and business in the cloud has several advantages. For example, it can boost performance and decrease downtime for your website. Also, with cloud hosting, your essential services and software will be accessible from anywhere, which is great for a mobile workforce. In addition, the data itself will be safer than it would be with most hosting plans. Conclusion Cloud hosting offers many notable benefits, such as increased efficiency, scalability, and security. By using cloud hosting, businesses can improve their bottom line by reducing their IT costs and improving their overall productivity. If you are looking for a company that provides reliable cloud hosting servers, look no further than our services here at Rivell. We offer a wide range of services that ensure the safety and security of your corporate data and other valuable files. Call us today for more information about our cloud hosting services and their major features.

People working in an office
Cloud Hosting Services

The Importance and Benefits of Infrastructure-as-a-Service

Cloud-based services are revolutionizing the way we use technology and computing infrastructure. By leveraging the power of the cloud, businesses and individuals can access various services and applications without investing in physical hardware and maintaining their own IT infrastructure. Cloud-based services offer several benefits to those who use them, including cost savings, scalability, and flexibility. By using cloud-based services, businesses can save money by avoiding the costs associated with purchasing and maintaining their hardware and software. In addition to the cost and convenience, cloud-based services offer enhanced security and reliability. By leveraging the cloud provider’s security measures, businesses and individuals can ensure that their data and applications are secure and that their systems are always available and up-to-date. In today’s article, let’s explore the benefits of Infrastructure-as-a-Service. Here’s what you need to know: What is Infrastructure-as-a-Service? Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) is a form of cloud computing that provides virtualized computing resources over the internet. It is one of the three main categories of cloud computing services—Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). With IaaS, businesses can rent virtualized servers and computing resources from a cloud provider on a pay-as-you-go basis. IaaS is a key component of many organizations’ cloud strategies, as it provides a cost-effective alternative to buying and managing physical servers. It also enables businesses to quickly scale their computing resources and access a wide range of computing resources from different vendors. How Does it Work? Essentially, IaaS provides businesses with a virtual data center in the cloud. This virtual data center can contain servers, storage, networking, and other computing resources that the business can use. The cloud provider manages the physical hardware and the underlying infrastructure, while the business manages the operating system, applications, and data. The Benefits of IaaS IaaS provides many benefits to businesses, including: Cost savings: IaaS eliminates the need to purchase and maintain expensive physical hardware, reducing infrastructure costs and freeing up valuable capital and staff resources. Flexibility: IaaS allows businesses to scale up or down as needed quickly. This means businesses can add or remove resources as their needs change without dealing with the hassle of purchasing and setting up physical hardware. Security: Cloud providers use advanced security measures to protect businesses’ data and applications. This means businesses can enjoy the peace of mind that their data is secure and compliant with industry standards. Reliability: IaaS is backed by high uptime and availability, ensuring businesses can always access the necessary resources. In short, IaaS is an ideal option for businesses that need flexible, reliable, and secure computing resources without the hassle and expense of buying and managing physical hardware. It enables businesses to quickly and easily access the resources they need to carry out their operations without compromising security or reliability. The Bottom Line IaaS is an important part of modern businesses today. It allows companies to quickly scale and adapt to the ever-changing needs of the business world. Its cloud-based infrastructure allows businesses to quickly access data and applications, reducing the time and cost of development. With its many advantages, IaaS is an essential tool for businesses to remain competitive and successful in today’s market. Rivell is a reliable Network Infrastructure Services in NJ. If you are seeking IT solutions, we offer a wide range of services that can help boost your business’s efficiency and productivity. Contact us today to learn more and get started!

Computer monitor with headphones
Business Phone Systems

What to Know about VoIP Business Advantages

In many businesses, VoIP has surpassed traditional telephony. Because of VoIP’s technological advancements, it has become a need for even small businesses today. VoIP enables users to make and receive phone calls over the internet. It converts audio into digital packets for transmission via a high-speed Internet connection. VoIP allows you to communicate from everywhere there is an Internet connection. VoIP solutions have grown in popularity as a result of hybrid and remote working, especially among SMBs in recent years. There are different solutions available for a wide range of applications and organizational sizes, making VoIP a good investment. Read on to discover more about VoIP business advantages. VoIP Offers Simply Installation, Administration, and Maintenance Traditional phone lines are challenging to build and maintain. Without IT skills, VoIP for small businesses is simple to install, manage, and maintain. The bulk of VoIP software makes telephony management more manageable, especially when adding new users. Web portals make it easier to add, move, and modify system configurations. VoIP Improves Workflow and Flexibility VoIP allows telephone equipment and wireless headphones to be integrated with remote conferencing, file sharing, and email. Such versatility and mobility benefit mobile users, especially business travelers. Because long-distance calls are less expensive than cell and landline calls, VoIP saves money. VoIP Minimizes Business Expenses Most businesses would complain that installing traditional phone lines is costly. Thankfully, VoIP installation and management for small businesses is less expensive and a more viable option. Internet voice and video chats are typically free. Meanwhile, calls from a computer to a landline phone can be expensive, although they are substantially less expensive than conventional calls. VoIP allows employees and departments to communicate freely via PC or VoIP phone. The bulk of VoIP services are invoiced monthly per user, so you only pay for the minutes you use. VoIP is Scalable It is difficult to forecast how many phone lines a company will require as it grows. The communications system must be upgraded when new employees, offices, or divisions are added. Aside from headsets and phones, adding or removing employees from a small business VoIP system is free. For each newly hired employee, this method inserts a new line. You can reassign or remove a line when an employee departs or transfers. Scaling a VoIP system is straightforward and convenient. VoIP Offers a Competitive Edge To compete with larger, more established organizations, a company must accomplish a lot. One example is a cost-effective communication system. VoIP provides small businesses with cost-effective and practical internal and external communications. SMBs may interact with new clients at little to no expense, as well as with partners and customers over long distances, keeping their global competitiveness. VoIP Increases Overall Staff Productivity VoIP technology can boost your company’s efficiency by allowing users to plan virtual meetings, engage in international phone conferences, and share essential business documents via audio and video calls. The voice quality of VoIP for small businesses is catching up to that of traditional phone calls. Because calls are rarely distorted, lost, or sluggish, VoIP is a solid alternative for organizations all around the world. VoIP Has a Variety of Call Functions Users anticipate many call functions from landlines. Call transfer, hold, forwarding, call hunt, auto-attendant phone menus, conference calling, and other features are available with VoIP for small enterprises. Businesses must choose the best-hosted VoIP solution for their needs. Choosing VoIP over traditional telecommunications for a small business does not jeopardize call functionality. Conclusion In today’s day and age, businesses of all sizes must engage in technological advancements to get ahead of their respective competitors. After all, competition is steep. With VoIP, your small business can thrive and succeed in its industry. Are you looking for VoIP solutions in New Jersey? Rivell is here to provide you with the services that your business needs. Contact us today to learn more!

Men working together

Essential Tips to Protect Your Business from Network Attacks

As our world becomes digitized, so do the risks to businesses of all sizes. Cyber security has become necessary for businesses of all sizes as their systems and networks containing sensitive and valuable data are increasingly under attack from sophisticated online criminals. Network security is one of the most important considerations for any business today. With the ever-increasing threat of network attacks, ensuring your business is adequately protected is more critical than ever. But what does that mean? And do you need to invest in cybersecurity consulting services? There is no doubt that investing in network security services is essential. But there are additional changes you can make yourself to help improve your security. Below are some things you can do to help keep your data and devices safe. Educate Your Employees As a business owner, keeping your employees up-to-date on network security threats and best practices is essential. After all, your employees are the front line in protecting your company’s data. That is why experts from cybersecurity consulting services say that entrepreneurs should educate their employees about network security. Doing so can help your employees be more aware of potential threats and better equipped to deal with them.  The following are a few things you can do to educate your employees about data security: Hold Regular Training Sessions: Ensure training sessions on virtual security threats and best practices. It will help keep your employees up-to-date on the latest threats and how to deal with them. Send Out Monthly Newsletters: Monthly newsletters are a brilliant way to inform employees about data security threats and best practices. In your newsletters, be sure to include tips on how to stay safe online, as well as links to helpful resources. Display Posters and Flyers: Ensure to display posters and flyers around the office on network security best practices. It will help remind your employees to stay vigilant regarding their online safety. Implement Privileged Access It describes organizations’ strategies and technologies to manage access and permissions for users, accounts, and processes across an IT environment. This virtual security solution usually comprises a centralized console where administrators can view, monitor, and control all privileged access activity. It gives organizations visibility and control over who has access to what, when, and how – helping to mitigate the risk of insider threats and data breaches. There are several different PAM solutions on the market, each with unique features and functionality. However, all PAM solutions share a common goal – to help organizations better manage and control privileged access across their IT environment. Conclusion There are many reasons why your company may need cybersecurity consulting services. These services can help protect your and your customer’s data from network attacks. They can also help you be compliant with data security regulations. Simply put, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be ignored, and you need to work with the professionals to ensure your network and data are well-protected. Ensure your company’s network and data by tapping into the cybersecurity consulting services in New jersey of Rivell. We provide top-notch virtual security services so that you can focus on your business. So, contact us now for more information!

Man working
Cloud Hosting Services

7 Ways Cloud Computing Can Help Various Businesses Grow

Are you looking to access more storage and computing power for your business without having to invest in expensive equipment yourself? This is where cloud computing comes in! Thanks to cloud computing, all that and more are easily achievable without breaking the bank. In addition to that, cloud computing has allowed many small businesses that do not have the funds to create a resilient and secure company to do so. Really, cloud computing is a godsend to many companies, and without it, many companies will fall short of their goals. That said, cloud computing has been well-known to help companies grow at incredible paces. How does cloud computing do this? That’s what we’re going to talk about today! Let’s talk about the ways that cloud computing can help businesses grow: 1. Increased Flexibility and Scalability The cloud provides businesses with increased flexibility and scalability, allowing them to quickly adjust their IT infrastructure to meet changing demands. For example, a business can easily add new users or increase storage capacity without having to make a large upfront investment in new hardware. 2. Reduced Costs Cloud computing can help businesses save money on IT costs. For example, businesses no longer need to invest in expensive on-premises hardware and software. Instead, they can pay for only the resources they use on a pay-as-you-go basis. 3. Improved Efficiency Cloud computing can help businesses improve their efficiency by providing them with on-demand access to the latest technology and tools. For example, businesses can use cloud-based productivity and collaboration tools to improve communication and collaboration between employees. 4. Enhanced Security Cloud computing can help businesses improve their security by providing them with access to the latest security technologies. For example, businesses can use cloud-based security tools to protect their data from cyber-attacks. 5. Increased Collaboration Cloud computing can help businesses increase collaboration by providing them with tools that allow employees to work together more effectively. For example, businesses can use cloud-based collaboration tools to allow employees to share files and work on projects together in real-time. 6. Better Disaster Recovery Cloud computing can help businesses improve their disaster recovery by providing them with tools that allow them to recover quickly from a disaster. For example, businesses can use cloud-based backup and recovery tools to ensure that their data is safe and can be quickly restored in the event of a disaster. 7. Increased Competitiveness Cloud computing can help businesses increase their competitiveness by providing them with a platform that allows them to quickly innovate and launch new products and services. For example, businesses can use cloud-based development tools to create new applications and services and launch them to market quickly. Conclusion As you can see, there are just so many ways cloud computing can help a business grow. From promoting collaboration to improving competitiveness, these are all the advantages a business needs to perform better. And, in the long run, as technology develops, cloud computing will only get better, giving businesses of all sizes the access to products and services they need to enhance their offerings and grow effectively. Rivell offers various critical services to help businesses to perform at their utmost efficiency. If you are looking for cloud-managed services in New Jersey, get in touch with us today.

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