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January 19, 2023

voip phone
Business Phone Systems, VoIP Phones

Debunking 6 VoIP Myths to Set the Records Straight

Voice over Internet Protocol is quickly becoming the go-to communication tool for businesses. But with its widespread adoption, there are still a variety of myths and misconceptions about VoIP that can make it difficult to understand how the technology works. To help you make the most of VoIP, we’re debunking some of the most common VoIP myths. But before Anything Else, What’s VoIP? VoIP, Voice over Internet Protocol, is a technology that allows people to make phone calls over the internet. It takes the audio from a phone call and digitally encodes it, then sends it over the internet as data. This data is then decoded and sent to the other person’s phone, allowing them to hear the conversation. Debunking VoIP Myths and Misconceptions Many myths and misconceptions about VoIP are still circulating, and these must be debunked so people can better understand the technology and its capabilities. Below, we’ll take a look at 6 of the most common VoIP myths and misconceptions and set the record straight.  Myth #1: It’s Too Complicated to Set Up This is one of the most common myths about VoIP, but it’s also one of the easiest to debunk. While VoIP requires some setup, it’s no more complicated than a traditional telephone system. Many VoIP systems are designed to be as easy to use as possible, with intuitive user interfaces and quick setup processes. Myth #2: It’s Unreliable On the contrary, VoIP is more reliable than traditional telephone systems. This is because VoIP systems use the internet to make calls, which is a much more reliable connection than traditional telephone lines. Your VoIP calls should be clear and reliable as long as you have a good internet connection. Myth #3: It’s Too Expensive VoIP is very cost-effective, especially when compared to traditional telephone systems. It’s often less expensive to make calls over the internet than it is to use traditional telephone lines. Additionally, VoIP systems are often cheaper to set up and maintain than traditional telephone systems, which can help businesses save money in the long run. Myth #4: VoIP Calls Are Less Secure VoIP calls are just as secure as traditional telephone calls. All VoIP systems use encryption to protect calls from being intercepted. Many VoIP systems also use advanced authentication protocols to ensure that only authorized users can make and receive calls. Myth #5: It Won’t Work with My Existing Phone System Many VoIP systems are designed to be compatible with existing telephone systems, so you don’t have to worry about replacing your existing system. Additionally, many VoIP systems offer features that can be used with existing phone systems, such as call forwarding, conference calling, and voicemail. Myth #6: VoIP Calls Are of Lower Quality When making phone calls, many assume that VoIP calls are of lower quality than traditional telephone calls. However, this is simply not true. In fact, many VoIP calls are of higher quality than traditional telephone calls. Conclusion VoIP technology has a lot of potential to make businesses more efficient, provide more features, and help save costs. Despite the myths and misconceptions about VoIP, it is a viable option for businesses of all sizes. VoIP is reliable, secure, and cost-effective; businesses should take advantage of the technology and its many benefits. With advancements in technology, VoIP is becoming increasingly popular and is proving to be a valuable asset to businesses. Are you looking for providers of VoIP in New Jersey? Look no further than Rivell. Our IT team has the skills and expertise to get your office up and running with VoIP in a day or less. With an emphasis on putting the client first, we will ensure your new VoIP service meets the demands of your growing business. Contact us today!

Security Camera
Digital Technology

10 Reasons Why Businesses Should Invest in Security Cameras

If you own a business, large or small, you understand the importance of security. You want to protect your inventory, your employees, and your customers. One of the best ways to do this is to install security cameras. Here are the top 10 reasons to install security cameras at your business: 1. Deter Crime Security cameras are a great way to deter crime. If potential criminals see that your business is being monitored, they are less likely to attempt a break-in or commit any other type of crime. 2. Monitor Activity Cameras allow you to monitor activity both inside and outside of your business. You can see who is coming and going, and you can keep an eye on what is happening inside your store or office. 3. Catch Criminals If a crime is committed on your property, security footage can be used to identify and catch the perpetrator. This can help to keep your business safe and can also assist law enforcement in their investigation. 4. Protect Your Employees Your employees are your most valuable asset. By installing security cameras, you can help to protect them from potential harm. If an incident does occur, footage from the cameras can be used to identify the perpetrator and bring them to justice. 5. Protect Your Customers Your customers are also important to you. Security cameras can help to protect them from potential harm, and can also assist in catching criminals who might target them. 6. Reduce Insurance Costs If you have security cameras installed, you may be eligible for a discount on your business insurance. This can help to offset the cost of the cameras and can also save you money in the long run. 7. Reduce Liability If someone is injured on your property, you could be held liable. By installing security cameras, you can help to protect yourself from potential liability. 8. Monitor Inventory If you have a lot of inventory, it can be difficult to keep track of it all. Security cameras can help you to monitor your inventory and can also assist in catching thieves. 9. Increase Profits If you own a business, you want to make money. One of the best ways to increase profits is to decrease shrinkage. Shrinkage is the loss of inventory due to theft or other factors. Security cameras can help you keep an eye on your inventory and make sure it is where it is supposed to be. This will help you reduce shrinkage and increase profits. 10. Peace of Mind When you own a business, it is natural to worry about its security. Will your employees be safe? Will your customers be satisfied? Will your inventory be stolen? By installing security cameras, you can put your mind at ease. You will know that your business is being protected and that you can resolve any issues that may arise. Additionally, you will have peace of mind knowing that you are doing everything you can to protect your business. Conclusion There are many reasons to install security cameras at your business. They can deter crime, help you solve crimes that do occur, and provide you with valuable information about your employees and customers. They can also help you improve your customer service and operations. If you are considering security cameras for your business, be sure to weigh the pros and cons carefully to make the best decision for your needs. If you’re looking for Video Surveillance Services & Solutions in New Jersey, Rivell can help you! We understand the needs of businesses, so we provide comprehensive solutions to ensure your company’s digital needs are met. Visit our website today to get started!

Security Camera
Digital Technology, Security Cameras

5 Essential Places to Install Security Cameras at Your Business

Installing security cameras in a business facility is essential for keeping the area safe. It is crucial to strategically place cameras in the most effective locations to ensure maximum coverage. Doing so may reduce the number of cameras required, leading to cost savings in installation, software, and hardware. To get the most out of your security camera system, here are some of the best spots to install them: 1. Front and Back Entrances It is important to consider security camera placement at the entrance of a building. The cameras should be able to cover the entire hall inside and outside of the building as well as the approach to the entrance from all sides. In addition, security cameras should be placed at the entrance to the offices on all floors to maximize efficiency and minimize the number of cameras needed. 2. Storage Rooms Having a camera in a storage room or warehouse helps businesses. The cameras allow companies to monitor their assets, ensuring everything is in order. This, in turn, minimizes the chances of theft or mishandling of company items. Moreover, the footage can be used to investigate any accidents in the warehouse. Having cameras in storage and warehouse areas effectively protects the company and its valuable possessions. 3. Hiding Spots and Secluded Areas It is essential to ensure security cameras monitor your property. This depends on your budget, but the main hallways and stairways should be the most important areas. If finances are tight, it may be a good idea to install dummy camera shells to give the appearance of a camera being present. While this may have the desired effect, it is important to remember that there will be no recorded footage available to view if something were to happen. It is also important to notify employees that they are being recorded to avoid potential legal issues. 4. Offices Security cameras in offices can be a great way to ensure safety and increase productivity. Depending on the layout of the office, cameras can be placed on the ceiling for an overview of the cubicles or in the corners to cover the entire room. Research suggests that corner cameras are the best option for open-plan spaces, and cameras placed on the ceiling provide the most accurate cubicle recordings. If budget allows, ceiling cameras can cover the entire area for the most precise results. 5. Elevators Surveillance cameras are essential in elevator cabins to ensure passengers’ safety and monitor who is entering and leaving. Also, having a visual of the inside of the elevator is helpful in case of any technical problems or if someone feels anxious due to the enclosed space. A video surveillance system can provide an extra layer of protection for your customers and should be a priority for any business with elevators. Conclusion It is essential to install security cameras at your business to ensure the safety of your employees and customers and the security of the company’s assets. By installing security cameras at these locations, business owners can deter theft and vandalism, monitor employee activity, and provide evidence in the event of an accident or dispute. Security cameras are a great investment for business owners as they offer peace of mind and can help improve overall security at the business. Rivell is an IT support and consulting service company in New Jersey. From large-scale data attacks to annoying malware, having an inefficient cyber security system can greatly hinder the success of your business or organization. With our more than 20 years of experience providing support for SMB businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies, we’re confident in our ability to protect your data. If you need security camera installation in New Jersey, get in touch with us today!

Cloud Hosting Services

What You Should Consider When Choosing a Cloud Server Host

Cloud adoption is rapidly increasing and could dominate the IT industry by 2025, thanks to the many cloud server hosts available. Cloud services offer benefits like data storage, resources, security, and hardware capabilities, making them a cost-effective alternative to owning a data center. However, as more cloud server hosts emerge, you need to take the time to decide which fits your needs the best because businesses must balance the pros and cons of each option. It can also be more frustrating as more providers can falsely claim they’re the best choice in the industry without proof. If you want to make the best choice for your company, keep reading. This article will enumerate eight things you should consider when selecting a cloud server host. 1. Company Profile  You can find the best cloud server host for your company by considering your business’s needs and plans. You should check their services, customer support reviews, complaint resolution times, the provider’s experience, and the service model.  Remember, this factor is not the only thing you should consider when looking for a cloud server host for your company. 2. Cost Benefits  When determining the right cloud server host for your company, you must evaluate the cost benefits you can enjoy. Watch out for flexible billing, no lock-in periods, discounts for long-term commitments, pay-as-you-go billing, and easy scaling. 3. Contracts and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)  It’s crucial to carefully read the cloud server host’s terms and conditions before agreeing. Ensure they offer the necessary delivery service and legal protection for your company’s needs. Consult your legal team if you need help understanding the technical terms.  Moreover, the terms and conditions will impact their quality of resolving customer complaints. Find a provider that lets you switch to another host in the future and offers migration support. 4. Data Security and Governance Work with a cloud server host that offers customized data security, authentic firewalls, and a reliable Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) to protect your data. Besides the terms and conditions, you also carefully read their policies for data protection and legal data management. Ensure they’re authorized, established, and trusted. You should also check for weekly or monthly backups and data confidentiality. 5. Licenses, Certifications, and Standards It’s crucial to ensure the cloud server host you choose has the proper certifications and industry standards in the cloud sector. These credentials will show that they only follow the best practices and meet the service provider’s requirements.  You should also ensure that your prospective cloud host server complies with other governmental regulations. Otherwise, you’re better off finding another provider. 6. Partnerships and Integrations Partnerships and integrations are crucial for any successful business strategy. They allow organizations to combine resources and enable systems to exchange data, increasing efficiency and maximizing profits.  It’s essential to ensure that your cloud server host has a wide range of partnerships and integrations with different vendors. These credentials will grant you access to the most up-to-date technologies, letting your company benefit from the best solutions for its needs. 7. Reliability and Performance  When choosing the cloud server host for your company, check their service level agreements, past performance, and how they handle server downtime and customer issues. You should also monitor and report the provider’s performance and ensure they have a support team to resolve customer issues. 8. Technological Advancements  Evaluate the cloud server host’s technologies to ensure they match your organization’s requirements and look at the provided services and their commitment to specific technologies. Assess their overall portfolio to ensure they offer different services and promise continued growth and innovation over time. The Bottom Line Your business needs a reliable cloud server host to protect sensitive data. Educating yourself can help you make the right choice for your company.  Rivell is an IT consulting company in New Jersey with a reliable cloud server host to help businesses efficiently store their data. Work with us today!

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