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Managed IT Services vs. Break/Fix: Which Option is More Affordable in the Long Run?

Managed IT Services vs. Break/Fix: Which Option is More Affordable in the Long Run?

Managed Services Market to Reach $393.72 Billion by 2028 | At Least 60% Organizations to Depend on Managed Services by 2025. As a business owner, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is how to manage your IT needs. You have two primary options: managed IT services and break/fix IT support. The former involves paying a flat fee to an IT provider for ongoing support and maintenance, while the latter involves paying for IT services only when something breaks. 

While break/fix IT support may seem like the more affordable option on the surface, there are several factors to consider when deciding which approach is more cost-effective in the long run. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of managed IT services vs. break/fix and help you determine which option is best for your business. 

Managed IT Services: The Pros and Cons 

Managed IT services involve paying a flat fee to an IT provider for ongoing support and maintenance. This fee typically covers everything from software updates and security patches to network monitoring and helpdesk support. Here are some of the pros and cons of managed IT services: 


1. Predictable Costs:

With managed IT services, you will pay a fixed monthly fee for all your IT needs. This makes it easy to budget and plan for IT expenses, without any surprise costs or hidden fees. 

2. Proactive Support:

Managed IT providers are proactive in identifying and fixing potential IT issues before they become major problems. This helps prevent downtime and keeps your systems running smoothly. 

3. Expertise:

Managed IT providers have a team of IT experts with a wide range of skills and expertise. They stay up to date with the latest technologies and trends and can provide guidance on how to improve your IT infrastructure. 


1. Upfront Costs:

Depending on the size of your business, the initial setup costs for managed IT services can be significant. This includes hardware and software purchases, network setup, and other infrastructure costs. 

2. Dependency:

When you rely on a managed IT provider for all your IT needs, you become dependent on them for support and maintenance. This can be a disadvantage if you want more control over your IT infrastructure. 

Break/Fix IT Support: The Pros and Cons 

Break/fix IT support involves paying for IT services only when something breaks. This can include everything from troubleshooting and repairs to software installations and upgrades. Here are some of the pros and cons of break/fix IT support: 


1. Lower Upfront Costs:

With break/fix IT support, you only pay for IT services when you need them. This can be more affordable for small businesses that have limited IT needs. 

2. Flexibility:

Break/fix IT support gives you more flexibility to choose the IT services you need, without being tied to a fixed monthly fee. 


1. Unpredictable Costs:

Since you’re only paying for IT services when something breaks, it‘s difficult to predict how much you’ll spend on IT in a given month or year. This can make it challenging to budget for IT expenses. 

2. Reactive Support:

Break/fix IT support is reactive in nature, meaning IT providers only respond to issues when they arise. This can lead to longer downtime and lost productivity if a major IT issue occurs. 

Read more : Managed IT Services and Disaster Recovery: Why You Need a Plan

Managed IT Services vs. Break/Fix: Which is More Affordable in the Long Run?

When it comes to deciding between managed IT services and break/fix IT support, the question of affordability is complex. While break/fix IT support may seem like the more affordable option upfront, the long-term costs can be much higher. Here are some factors to consider when deciding which approach is more cost-effective in the long run:  

1. Downtime and Lost Productivity:

When IT systems fail, it can result in significant downtime and lost productivity for your business. With managed IT services, your IT provider will be proactive in identifying and fixing potential issues before they occur. This helps prevent downtime and lost productivity, which can ultimately save you money in the long run. In contrast, with break/fix IT support, you’ll only receive support after an issue has already occurred. This can lead to longer downtime and lost productivity, which can be much more costly than the initial cost of fixing the issue.

2. Scalability:

As your business grows, your IT needs will also grow and become more complex. With managed IT services, your IT provider can help you scale your IT infrastructure to meet your evolving needs. This can save you money in the long run by avoiding costly IT upgrades and migrations. With break/fix IT support, you’ll need to hire an IT provider every time you need to upgrade or expand your IT infrastructure, which can be more costly in the long run. 

3. Security:

Cybersecurity threats are on the rise, and the cost of a security breach can be significant. With managed IT services, your IT provider will proactively monitor your systems for security threats and take measures to protect your business from cyber-attacks. With break/fix IT support, you may not have the same level of security measures in place, which can leave your business vulnerable to cyber-attacks and potentially costly data breaches. 

4. Maintenance and Upgrades:

IT systems require ongoing maintenance and upgrades to remain functional and secure. With managed IT services, your IT provider will handle all necessary maintenance and upgrades to keep your systems up to date. This can save you money in the long run by avoiding costly downtime and repairs. With break/fix IT support, you will need to hire an IT provider every time you need maintenance or upgrades, which can be more costly in the long run. 

5. Predictable Costs:

With managed IT services, you’ll pay a fixed monthly fee for all your IT needs. This makes it easy to budget and plan for IT expenses, without any surprise costs or hidden fees. With break/fix IT support, you may not be able to predict how much you’ll spend on IT services in a given month or year, which can make it challenging to budget for IT expenses. 


When it comes to managed IT services vs. break/fix IT support, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The decision ultimately depends on your business’s unique IT needs and budget. However, when considering the long-term costs of IT support, managed IT services are often the more cost-effective option. They provide proactive support, scalability, security, maintenance and upgrades, and predictable costs, all of which can save your business money in the long run. While break/fix IT support may seem like a more affordable option upfront, it can lead to longer downtime, lost productivity, and higher long-term costs. Ultimately, it’s important to carefully weigh the pros and cons of both options and choose the one that’s best for your business. 

If you’re looking for a reliable and cost-effective IT support solution, consider partnering with Managed Services Providers in New Jersey like Rivell. With our managed IT services, you can enjoy proactive support, 24/7 monitoring, expert advice, and much more, all for a fixed monthly fee. Our team of experienced IT professionals can help you scale your IT infrastructure, protect your business from security threats, and keep your systems up to date and functioning at their best. Contact us today to learn more about how our managed IT services can benefit your business and help you save money in the long run. 



Ryan Van Laeys

Ryan is the Chief Technology Officer at Rivell, a leading provider of managed IT services, cloud solutions, VOIP, and more. With over 30 years of experience in the IT field, Ryan is an author covering key IT services including IT challenges & tips, cybersecurity, and cloud solutions for all businesses.


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